Star Story -- the Alchemist's Astrology Printable PDF Version
Ouachita Witch Doctor - Indie Hansen
Everyone knows their sign. Right?
We grow up being told we're a particular sign. Someone, somewhere looked up your date of birth on a chart and told you what it said. Oh, little Billy/Susie is a _____ .
But what if I told you that for most of us, that information would be dead wrong?
For instance, I was born on September 4th, the chart says I'm a Virgo....but the sky tells the truth. The Sun was in the rear paw of Leo on that day.
Understanding your astrology birth chart is difficult at best in tropical astrology.
But add the wrong signs on top of it and this might be why your chart makes no sense.
The Alchemist reads the heavens as they ARE, not what a chart says they should be.
Alchemy looks up at the stars to discover where each of the seven planets are at a precise moment. A freeze frame in time. This is the astrology of the alchemist and we're literary detectives searching for clues in the sky. Everything you need to know to read the heavens at the moment of your birth -- or any date in the past or future -- is right here in this astrology workbook.
Let's go find your Star Story together in this full color astrology workbook. Printable and comes with an endless supply of Star Story Worksheets. Paperback and Kindle available on Amazon (release date 8/23/23).
Discover your story written in the stars with the alchemy of astrology.
394 MB
188 pages
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